Brand & Marketing

Best of Brand & Marketing

Virgin Mobile FreeFest (2012)

Virgin Mobile selected Dailymotion as their live streaming partner for their annual FreeFest music festival. I was tasked to create a live streaming experience that would include 4 video feeds, Facebook chat, Instagram updates, Twitter hashtag feed, and links to download VirginMobile's music app. I designed the high-visibility experiences including the live streaming hub, a 10-day calendar countdown promotional site, and evocative rich-media takeover ads. I art directed 1 designer for supporting digital banner ads.

Holiday Gift Guide (2010)

When you work in branded content, gift guides are an annual exercise in designing holiday-themed aesthetics that fit the audience. Tasked with designing the look for Heavy's 2010 Holiday Gift Guide for the 18-35 male audience, I went for a clean layout contrasted with slightly subversive font choices and a pop of neon green. I worked with the company's site managers to design a hub experience hosting 5 categories of gift guides plus a gift bag giveaway in partnership with Cool Material.

The look remains one of my favorite projects today. I love the use of chartreuse to create a muted neon effect.

Product End-of-Life Infographic (2015)

In my early days designing product for cybersecurity, I split my time between product and marketing tasks. One of my last infographics was for a content blog post on product end-of-life and the vulnerabilities it can bring. The marketing director provided a high-level wireframe and I worked with her on forming the designs as she finalized the content.

We went with a dark navy that matched the company's branding at the time. I went with a bright coral red to contrast with the navy and give a nod to the alerting spirit of cybersecurity. Nearly all images were handmade by me.